really good
I like this game a lot... but it's kinda slow, and even on sandbox mode it's hard to keep up with the enemy.
It also glitched out a lot. When I'd click start wave it'd start and then go right back to the building page, only the enemy was still closing in on me and i couldn't attack. so i'd click next wave again and it'd say i was on the NEXT wave when I still had the previous wave approaching the tower. Then what finally fucked me up was when I was on wave 18, there were horse men all over the place and i'm sending purple eye beasts after them and they just started walking right through the tower, out the other side and kept walking until they were off the screen and i couldn't attack them. so the game just sat there and i had to x out of it. if it hadn't screwed up so bad it would've been really good, aside from it taking so long to get good.
4/5 8/10